3 ways a genetic profile could save your health
June 18, 2014
Can your diet really work with your genes?
January 4, 2016

Are your genes making you fat?

Ever wondered how two people on the same diet can have different weight? How a diet can work for one person, but not for another? If you’ve been struggling to maintain a healthy weight, you may have been missing some vital clues.

Our genes determine a large percentage of our health potential. We have genes that tell out bodies whether to store fat or burn it easily, whether the messages from our stomach to our brain will send the signal we’ve eaten enough, whether we’re predisposed to sugar balance issues such as diabetes, and whether we’ll crave crackers and cheese at the 5 o’clock munchies or chocolate.

We can even go further than that. We have genes that predispose us towards inflammation. Inflammation underscores many diseases and when we are in a state of inflammation, our bodies lay down fat. We have genes that help us maintain healthy cholesterol, that help us detox excess hormones safely, that influence the way our blood vessels respond to exercise, that impact our response to emotional stress. It’s a big beautiful symphony of genes speeding up and slowing down in response to our environment, our emotions, and our food.

We’ve come a long way from the days of ‘calories in and calories out’ to understand that weight loss needs an holistic approach that supports your body across all health domains. Using simple and delicious foods that are scientifically proven to upregulate or downregulate the genes you’re targeting, you can adopt a diet that brings your body into harmony. Choosing an exercise program that works with your genes rather than against them can fast track your health goals. Understanding your unique health potential, coded in your DNA, you can shift those excess kilos, and even better, move towards optimized health and vital living.