September 16, 2014

Are your genes making you fat?

Ever wondered how two people on the same diet can have different weight? How a diet can work for one person, but not for another? If you’ve been struggling to maintain a healthy weight, you may have been missing some vital clues. Our genes determine a large percentage of our health potential. We have genes that tell out bodies whether to store fat or burn it easily, whether the messages from our stomach to our brain will send the signal […]
November 5, 2013

What the MTHFR?

There is one gene  – MTHFR –  that is getting a lot of attention right now, and for very good reason. MTHFR helps to drive some important metabolic pathways and it’s very common in our population. Approximately 5-12% of people are homozygous for the most common gene change in the MTHFR gene, 677C>T, making it an important starting point for healthcare.