January 4, 2016

Can your diet really work with your genes?

So you find out you have an MTHFR variant, and maybe a few others. Now what? Can your diet really make a difference? When you’re thinking DNA, you probably don’t think ‘greens and beens’. But what you eat works intimately with the genes you’ve been dealt and this is why there’s been a lot of buzz around methylation, folate and MTHFR. 
February 24, 2014

Looking for a perfect protein shake?

I’m someone who rushes out the door in the morning. I regularly skip breakfast. I know it’s bad for me, but when you’re juggling three boys out the door and running two jobs, something’s get left behind, and for me it’s eating in the morning. And knowing how important breakfast is, I knew I needed to do something about it, in a way that I could manage with my lifestyle. So I turned to the Protein Shake. It seemed easy […]