January 29, 2014

Sleep Deep with acupressure

Getting good quality sleep is essential for health and wellbeing. Without quality sleep the body cannot rest and repair, balance hormone levels, and bed down learning and memories from the day. Acupressure and acupuncture have been used to successfully treat insomnia for thousands of years. Acupressure uses pressure, or deep touch, on areas of the skin that are particularly sensitive to bioelectrical impulses and in Traditional Chinese Medicine, activating these points helps to enhance the flow of human energy, or […]
November 7, 2013

High Intensity Interval Training for Weight Loss – Power Up!

When I talk to people about their exercise habits, I get two basic themes over and over: “Um,……..does getting up from my desk count as ‘activity’?  or “I’m at the gym for two hours a day, four days a week, doing weights and aerobics and my personal trainer is upping the intensity……but I haven’t lost any weight yet. Do you think I need to do more?” For the Answer A – absolutely. Our body’s are built to move and bad […]
November 5, 2013

What the MTHFR?

There is one gene  – MTHFR –  that is getting a lot of attention right now, and for very good reason. MTHFR helps to drive some important metabolic pathways and it’s very common in our population. Approximately 5-12% of people are homozygous for the most common gene change in the MTHFR gene, 677C>T, making it an important starting point for healthcare.
August 6, 2013

Working with your genes for wellness

Your DNA blueprint determines many aspects of your health and wellbeing. By tailoring programs that work with your genetic health potential, you can see benefits faster and more easily. Lose weight in a healthy way. Get more energy. Reduce inflammation, blood pressure and joint pain . Reduce stress and prioritise lifestyle choices